Transformations (1957-1980)
This cycle consists of two parts. The first is a set of photographic objects. These cut-out, three-dimensional figures are ruminating old ladies, reflecting on the meaning of life and its passing. The second part consists of several “concertinaed” boards - collages, chronologically ordered juxtapositions of photographic documentation of the life of one man, a boy and then a man, starting from his mother’s motherhood and ending with the beginnings of his own fatherhood. It is an open “book of life”, a record of important facts which become a part of the universal man. Birth, first steps, first games, home, school, first communion, education, maturity, love, marriage and new birth. There are authentic fragments of letters talking about his life between the pictures. Successive portraits of the changing protagonist show the course of time and the ordinary history of man.
The Transformations cycle was presented together with the cycle Infinity of Distant Roads.