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“Rabka in Zofia Rydet’s photographs 1950–1990” exhibition at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Rabka


Zofia Rydet had a strong connection to Rabka. Shortly after the war her closest family settled there; after a short stay in Silesia, she herself visited her beloved mountain areas when she had time. She is buried here, in the Old Cemetery.

While in Rabka, she passionately documented the town and its surroundings. She took the first photographs of her monumental work Sociological Record in the neighboring village of Skomielna.

An open-air exhibition around the Rabka Amphitheatre presented a selection from this documentation project to the residents of Rabka. The photographs included portraits, landscapes, genre scenes, documentation of celebrations, details of nature, images of children in sanatoriums and from May Day parades, and several photographs of famous Rabka figures from Rydet’s Sociological Record series, which she made here between 1950 and 1990. The exhibition was positively received and visited in large numbers.

Zofia Rydet Foundation

Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak

Maria Sokół-Augustyńska and Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak

Promotion coordination:
Katarzyna Szczęśniak

Graphic design:
Aleksander Hordziej

Orkan Museum (Rabka),
E. Romer Secondary School (Rabka),
Municipal Cultural Centre (Rabka).

Rabka City Council