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Workshops on documentary photography: “Something Will Remain: Rabka 2016.”

Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak

“Something Will Remain” is a series of local photographic activities organized by the Zofia Rydet Foundation in places where Rydet implemented her Sociological Record project. In 2016, the project was carried out in Rabka-Zdrój, a place with which the artist is strongly associated and where she is buried. Workshop participants followed Rydet’s trail, looking for places seen in her photographs of Rabka to determine whether they still existed and, if so, how much they had changed over the decades. This exploration resulted in a contemporary documentation of the town through photographs of places and of the landscape, and led to an exhibition presented at the Rabka Pod Aniołem Gallery.

The project was based on archival photographs from the Documentation series, taken between 1950 and 1978.

Zofia Rydet Foundation

Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak

Pola Rożek and Paweł Ogrodzki

Promotion coordination:
Katarzyna Szczęśniak

Multimedia: Aleksander Hordziej

Orkan Museum (Rabka),
E. Romer Secondary School (Rabka),
Municipal Cultural Centre (Rabka).
